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Events 15th of Hematite.
It was with some surprise that a goblin army assaulted the fortress today, slaughtering the humans still on the outskirts.
The other humans, as though linked mentally, went mad. Some had to be put down by their comrades.

The spiral of carnage left a nasty mess.

The goblins were more easily dealt with than the distraught, and insane, human survivors. I don't know what to do with them at all.

Another strange thing happened today.
It was a goblin. He's come here, without hostility, seeking our protection. It appears he is an exile, and seeks safety in the only place goblins can never claim.
With his entire family slain for his outspoken words against sieging this very fortress, he has barely escaped with his life, and says he'll be more than happy to indulge in whatever mundane tasks we give to him.

I'll keep him under watch, but he doesn't seem to mind the complete slaughter of his species outside our walls.

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