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Captain's Log, 1st of Obsidian, 1087
well, with the tomb nearing completion, I've started to have requests for reallocation of jobs, particularly from the now largely defunct planters job sector.
Amongst these was a young sniveling wretch of a dwarf named Tinker. Evidently feels he'd be more suited to mechanics than planting, so I've assigned him to study at the feet of Zangief, metaphorically speaking of course.

We also have young Hassan, an adventurous type, evidently unsuited to such a dull profession.
With his parents dead, and no work for him to do, he's requested to join the army as a swordsdwarf.
Naturally I see no harm in increasing our military's readiness with some young blood.

Also to my desk, it seems that the Master Mason, Thikut Slyhelm has demanded that we all start calling her 'Mr Tk'. I don't even know how to pronounce that!

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