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Captain's Log. 14th of Limestone.
It's been a busy month. I spent most of it trying to hit goblins with the catapult.

Unfortunately it seems to have depleted our stone stockpile rather rapidly. I doubt that the three new craftsdwarf workshops, focusing on stone goods, is going to help the situation any.

This means that once again we must mine for stone.
It is time to dig deeper!

Unfortunately this also means we are horribly short staffed.
I've had to put on an extra miner and mechanic to deal with the workload.

[Image missing]

A good dwarf, he never shirks.

Another good dwarf, though admittedly when I told him about he new role he leapt into the air, and ran off muttering about trapping everything.
All I can say is he better not trap my home.

On another note, I've also banned the export of catapult parts. I'm not sure why I had to do this, as I'm the guy who actually trades stuff, but it seemed good to write something down on paper.

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